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Style coaching with me: what are we really doing?


what style coaching with me is like
Style coaching with me: What are we Really Doing?

What exactly are you gaining from working with me?:

~Complete confidence in your goals and most importantly YOURSELF

~Clarity and direction on what you need / what you need to work on to make those goals happen

~Newfound knowledge about the foundation of style

~A killer style that will make you feel better than you EVER have

How we make this happen:

~1:1 Private Coaching: This is where we will work on personal development and personal style. You'll learn how self-growth and style development will set you up for success because they are complementary to one another. You'll get 1:1 sessions once a week with yours truly.

How it will impact your life:

~You will reach levels of your life that you:

a. Never thought were possible for you to reach

b. Never thought you would be able to reach now

~You'll have the confidence to show up in the world 100% and look and FEEL amazing while doing it

~You'll have a wealth of knowledge on style and no longer wake up feeling confused about putting looks together that make you look and feel your best.

Why I'm offering my services:

I believe that every woman deserves to reach their fullest potential, and I'm here to coach you as you head on your journey to making that happen.

I'm here to support you in any way that I can. To guide you when you need help getting clarity on your goals and ambitions, to advise you based on my own experiences, and help you look and feel good along the way by teaching you everything I know about style. I'm here to coach you and cheer you on as you enter this new level of your life but YOU will make the magic happen, not only because I believe in you, but because you will get the tools you need to THRIVE in whatever way thriving means to you.

Ready to make moves to uplevel your style and life and go into 2021 looking and feeling like a boss?

The link is in my bio and on my contact page to work with me!


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