We are so quick to judge ourselves without putting any mind to it and it's just not fair because we don't deserve that from ourselves!
If you don't like thinking bad thoughts about others, why would you like thinking bad thoughts about yourself?
Just because you're you and you're the one hurting yourself, doesn't mean that it feels any less painful.
We often don't realize how much our thoughts can damage our self-esteem and confidence, it's toxic and we don't even realize it!
We have to be our #1 fan because if we can't love ourselves it will hurt us constantly and it will hurt the people who love us.
Why is it that we have amazing things about ourselves that everyone recognizes except us?
It's hard to understand, but the action you take as a result of knowing this is what will bring you the most healing of all.
When you work with me, it will be so much more than an uplevel or a style upgrade.
We will work on understanding who you are, why you think the way you think, and act the way you act.
We will work on recognizing your gifts, talents, and abilities and come up with a gameplan on goals that you want to accomplish, and figure out how to get you there.
Lastly, we will work on your style. Together we will develop a style for you that exudes your beauty inside and out and reflects the woman you are trying to become.
It is a process of learning to love yourself by forgiving yourself for the ways you've treated yourself, and healing by really getting to know yourself.
We work on recognizing who you are at the core, and discovering what your purpose is and loving yourself by taking actions to accomplish aspirations and dreams, and presenting yourself in a way that makes you feel more beautiful than ever!
I want this for you, you deserve to live a life you love and you deserve to feel beautiful and loved by yourself.
This brings about immense joy, freedom, love, and purpose in your life and it will take you to new places in your journey of life.
So join the Glow-getters Program and grab your spot before it's too late!
Get ready for the transformation of your life inside and out!
Link in bio and in the services section!